Monday, June 28, 2010

Hocking Hills COTR Run - July 5th

If you're interested, a small group will be gathering for a trail run at Hocking Hills on Monday July 5th. We will meet at the dining lodge parking lot at 8am (same lot used for the Indian Run start/finish).

We will run the connector trail to Old Man's Cave, then follow the Buckeye Trail south all the way to Ash Cave. We will have aid stashed near Ash Cave. From here we will run the Buckeye Trail alt. bridle route north back to Old Man's Cave. This is a less traveled trail marked with white blazes. From here you can run the connector trail back to the dining lodge for a 13 mile run.

If you chose to run further a group will be heading north from Old Man's Cave along the Buckeye Trail to Big Pine Rd (approx. 3 miles). We will have aid stashed at the Big Pine Rd. parking lot. If you chose to do so you can turn around and run back to Old Man's Cave and run the connector trail back to the dining hall for a 20 mile run.

If you chose to run further a group will run along the road on Big Pine Rd the 1/2 mile to Conkle's Hollow. Here we will loop around the gorge and run back to Big Pine Rd parking lot for an approx. 5 mile loop. From here we will follow the Buckeye Trail south back to Old Man's Cave and run the connector trail back to the dining lodge for a 25 mile run.

If you haven't had a chance to explore the trail at Hocking Hills this is a great opportunity to get out and run with a group. We will have aid at Ash Cave and Big Pine Rd but be prepared to cover 7-8 miles without aid - bring a water bottle to carry with you.

If you plan on joining us email, call 614-581-0283, or post on Facebook or the COTR website that you're planning on attending. I just want to have an idea of how much aid to put out and who to wait for on the morning of the run.

Hope to see you out on the trails!

1 comment:

  1. Michael, put me down for a tentative. I'll let you know as it gets closer and as I get an idea for family events this weekend.
